We've done it. AB accepted the job. We're moving. West Coast in the houuzz! We're leaving our comfortable Mid-West life and starting a new life somewhere in the Bay area.
We've had so much going on the last few months. In March, he had the phone interview. April we went to visit and just think about the possibilities. May was a lot of negotiating. And thinking. And we did a little NYC trek. One day I would be totally against it but Andrew was full throttle. The next day I would think, "he's right" and jump on the band wagon. The next day Andrew was worried about my sister and her relationship with the boys. And I would convince him she'd come to visit and their relationship would be even more special. We would go back and forth for days. One evening I couldn't stop crying. Thinking of the worst things that could happen. My parents. It still chokes me up. But I know they want me to be happy. I'm not even sure when we made the decision to go forward. It just kind of happened and we started making the plans. Getting the house ready to sell. Mapping out the dates to give our notice. It just all started taking shape.
The best part of this for me is that I'll spend every day with my boys. There were days that I would go to work and just feel so guilty for having someone else watch them. It's so important to me to teach my kids..and I was letting someone else do it for me. I don't think daycare is a bad experience or horrible. In fact, I think it's pretty awesome. But I want to be productive in their world and some days I really didn't feel up to it...and really wasn't doing anything I felt good about. I was doing a job. And although I enjoyed my job...it wasn't fulfilling any thing for me.
The next best part is that I will be fulfilling a life-long goal. When I was in high school I wanted to live near the beach. I wrote in my high school journal that in 10 years I wanted to be living on the beach, working in fashion...maybe married. I didn't mention kids because I wasn't sure about kids until I was around 25. So I've worked in fashion for about 13 years. It was a good run and some day...I may go back. But now...it's time for the beach and my boys! I can't wait!
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